Free Computer Classes

Desaposhini public library has started a computer training center to impart free training classes   especially for ladies and senior citizen. Center will give five day basic course on computer operations and course will generally covered on fundamentals of computer, browsing, chatting, emailing etc. There will be an advance course on interested  participant  which will cover web based service options like e banking, ticket booking and , effective browsing etc. The courses are taken by volunteers from  a trust based at Chennai. Classes are arranged  from  10 am to 12 am, Monday to Friday.  There is a special evening class for the working class which will start from 7pm to 8.30pm Already 50 people have completed the initial training

By this course library aimed to reduce the digital gap existing in the society. More over on the back drop of recently concluded Platinum Jubilee celebrations, they ascertain that in the new digital era ,from literacy movement, it’s time to move towards computer literacy .

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